The original picture exhibition
of the leading person of spiritual healing art Kazuki Okada,
a painter and a pianist, has started.
On the first day, Mayor Ishii and his wife visited the exhibition.

>>The above text is the excerpt from the article. These are not editorial advertising.

Izu Newspaper
伊豆新聞 2005 年 8 月

Newspaper article about Kazuki Okada
>> These are not editorial advertising.

No19: "Gekka Bijin Vol.2" (Kasakura Publisher Inc.)

No18: "Gekka Bijin" (Kasakura Publisher Inc.)

No13: "Five Senses" Japan Healing Relaxation Society

No14: Spiritual monthly periodical "anemone"-1

No15: Spiritual monthly periodical "anemone"-2

No4: Shonan Journal Inc.

No17: Tokushu newspaper

No16: Town news Inc. -2

No7: Kanagawa newspaper

No5: Town news Inc. -1

No8: Sankei newspaper

No6: Dairy sports paper

No9: Izu newspaper -1

No1-3: Yomiuri newspaper -1

No1-3: Yomiuri newspaper -2

No1-3: "Art Top" Art newspaper Inc.

No10-12: Izu newspaper -2,3,4

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