Spiritual arts aim at 'the barrier-free consciousnesses' Art ⇔Love ⇔Healing⇔Awareness⇔Compassion⇔Gratitude⇔Happiness⇔Peaceful World⇔Love⇔Art Spiritual心・魂 Healing癒し Arts芸術 Here you can find more than 800 pieces of spiritual healing art on this official
web site.
This is so far the largest in Japan, or the world largest number of pieces displayed by one artist in this area.
About 'Spiritual Healing Arts' (January, 2000) In this modern world, people's heart and mind are rapidly exposed to aging. In Japan, many people began to use the word 'spiritual,' turning their eyes to the importance of their status of heart and mind. At the same time, not only in the field of self-development books, but in the fields of art, music, and fashion, we can see increasing number of pieces and commodities now intended to encourage 'healing,' 'wellness,' 'happiness,' and 'ecology.' Kazuki Okada has been working as a leading person of the spiritual and healing art works. Although with many creative works such as painting, music, design, poetry, and photographs, he feels the basis of his art works are always the same. The existing art works and music of this field tend to be something soft in its hues and melodies; but the spiritual healing arts created by Okada place importance on conscious beyond five senses such as invisible light and inaudible sounds. Okada himself did not find his red-green blindness as a handicap but one of his characteristics. He actually led his life with various handicapped people. His art works are the expressions of the energy he felt from his daily lives through cheering and healing those handicapped people. Kazuki Okada's spiritual healing art works are energy and light which he wishs to give to the 'consciousness' of each one of you --the one and the only being with every characteristic and attribution. Although everyone pray for compassionate society, abundant nature and peaceful world, it is very difficult to eliminate prejudice and discrimination between countries, people, sexes, diseases, handicaps, religions, and thoughts in this diversified societies and values. He thinks it rare for people's soul to be consoled only through discussions and dialogues. Therefore, Kazuki Okada, as an artist, wishes for 'the barrier-free consciousnesses' in every phase. He decides to continue giving the light of healing to people's 'body, mind, and soul' through his art works, music, literature and fashion. 'The barrier-free consciousness,' in another words, is, 'compassionate heart and mind.' Compassion between people and countries... Compassion of people to animals, and compassion of people for the nature... He wishes the realization of compassionate society and the protection of Mother Nature and the peaceful world, through love and compassion of each one of you to others, to the earth, and to the bigger circle of love. Through his art works, he wishs you can feel--even if it may be a little -- the air or the light connected to the concepts of 'healing,' 'wellness,' 'happiness,' 'compassion,' 'nature,' 'love,' 'peace,' and 'awareness.' January, 2000 * * * Healing Art Office Kazuki Okada Official webite (English) http://www.kazukiokada.com/e/ Official webite (Japanese) http://www.kazukiokada.com/ ( Ebina, Kanagawa Pref. Japan) E-mail: Japanese mail E-mail: English mail Permanent exhibition room: Angeli (Tokyo) Salon de Universe (Yokohama) Therapy salon Ai's(Odawara) Little clover (Tokyo) Vio magagine (Tokyo) + HOME + + TOP + |